With over 100 years of combined experience in senior housing, healthcare delivery, healthcare technology, payer and operations management. We understand the industry and continuously evaluate new business models and technologies to create value for our customers. Our subject matter expertise, hands-on operational experience, and significant domain knowledge are key differentiators. Following are just some of the value we provide for our clients.

Senior Housing (SH) Provider

  • Strategic and operational expertise in  the SH industry
  • SH transition from Hospitality to Healthcare
  • Key insights on Medicare & Medicaid initiatives and how it benefits SH
  • Care Delivery models
  • Care Delivery Reimbursement models
  • Changing landscapes
  • Technology enablement for healthcare and SH operational efficiency

Technology Provider

  • Understanding Senior Living Market
  • Housing Economic Models
  • Challenges
  • Regulations
  • Decision Making processes
  • Eco-system & Influencers
  • Strong relationships with key industry players
  • Tech Competitors
  • Care Delivery models
  • Identify Optimal Reimbursement options (how to get paid)
  • Changing landscapes

Health Insurance Risk Holders

  • Payer needs such as Membership growth & Retention
  • Value Based Care Models
  • Deep understanding of the Senior Housing market (where your members live)
  • Innate ability to discern interconnections for your various risk models
  • Strong relationships with key industry players
  • Tech Enablers
  • Care Delivery models
  • Care Delivery Reimbursement models

Clinical Care Providers

  • Patient/Population density growth & retention
  • Deep understanding of the Senior Housing market (where your patients live)
  • Payment Models
  • Value Based Care Models
  • Tech solutions to enable remote care delivery
  • Technology enabled - Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE)
  • Innate ability to discern interconnections for your various risk models
  • Strong relationships with key industry players
  • Care Delivery models best practices
  • Care Delivery Reimbursement models
  • Changing landscapes

L‍iability Insurers

  • Insights on Liability Insurers resources to support best practices/innovation
  • Deep understanding of the market ecosystem including; REIT's, Operators, Insurers and Medical Payers
  • Deep understanding of innovators and early adopters in each sector
  • Ecosystem of Technology solutions that impact risk and liability
  • Alignment of the Insurers, Operators and technology platforms to drive adoption and performance for preferred KPI's of each entity

Smart Technology Platform

  • Patient Engagement
  • Issues Management
  • Internal Benchmarking
  • Case Management
  • Analytics and Reporting